Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States



  • Coordinator
  • Project

Cyber Rapid Response Teams (CRRTs) will allow the member states to help each other to ensure a higher level of cyber resilience and collectively respond to cyber incidents. CRRTs could be used to assist other member states, EU Institutions, CSDP operations as well as partners. CRRTs will be equipped with a commonly developed deployable cyber toolkits designed to detect, recognise and mitigate cyber threats. Teams would be able to assist with training, vulnerability assessments and other requested support. Cyber Rapid Response Teams would operate by pooling participating member states experts.



CRRTs mission is to help Member States (MS) of the project and other parties to respond to cyber incidents and ensure a higher level of cyber resilience. CRRTs would be able to assist other EU MS and EU Institutions, EU CSDP missions and operations as well as Partner countries. Non-duplication and complementarity are ensured concerning cooperation with NATO Rapid Reaction Teams. The project established cooperation with CERT-EU, EEAS, ENISA and NATO NCI Agency. Current CRRT operates by pooling participating MS cyber experts for a period of 12 months. The CRRT has developed a common cyber toolkit that can be used by multinational teams. CRRTs will complement national, EU, regional and multinational efforts in the cyber field, without duplicating existing efforts, structures, and formats. Project MS aim to develop interoperable capabilities.


High level objectives: develop and deepen voluntary cooperation in the cyber field through mutual assistance in response to major cyber incidents, including information sharing, joint training, mutual operational support and creation of joint capabilities; Operational level objectives: ensure higher level of cyber resilience and respond to cyber incidents; Long term objective: research and develop a common cyber toolkit for multinational cyber rapid response teams.

More information on the project can be found here:

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