Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)

Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States



  • Coordinator
  • Project

This project is aiming for a multinational network based on existing logistic capabilities and infrastructure. The goal is to use a network of existing logistic installations for MN business to prepare equipment for operations, to commonly use depot space for spare parts or ammunition and to harmonize transport and deployment activities. Nations around Europe are going to provide their capabilities to it so that several logistic hubs will be used. Connected with the European Multi Modal Transport Hub, which provides the lines of communication between the multinational hubs, it will grow to an entire network. With respect to possible operations, for the predeployment of materiel, depots and or maintenance facilities of other European countries could be used mutually as well. The network will decrease the reaction time and increase capacities and sustainability for military operations.



The project aims to the establishment and operation of a network of logistic hubs within Europe, entailing concertedly operated logistic flow management capabilities, to ultimately support the deployment/ redeployment process and the sustainment of operations in order to improve strategic logistic support and force projection in EU Missions and Operations. Cross-border solutions for more efficient, seamless military transport and connection of existing European initiatives under one logistic umbrella.


Once established, the network of LogHubs in Europe and Support to Operations will expedite the deployment timelines for EU led forces in case of a crisis response whether humanitarian aid or combat missions. The installation of strategically located LogHubs in Europe in conjunction with pre-established procedures including management of the logistic flow within the network as well as abbreviated transport related authorization procedures will increase the resilience of the Union towards adverse challenges and thereby support the EU LoA.

More information on the project can be found here:

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