Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

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The main objective is to establish a medical training and excellence centre focused on medical support for special operations. The overall aim would be to enhance medical capabilities supporting the Special Operations Forces (SOF) missions and operations, in terms of training, procedures and interoperability.
The intent of the project is to expand the Polish Military Medical Training Centre in Łódź, which has the status of a certified National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) Training Center, into the Special Operations Forces Medical Training Centre (SMTC) to provide medical training capability for SOF personnel, increase coordination of medical support for SOF operations, boost professional cooperation of participating member state in that field, enhance readiness and capability of participating member state regarding personnel and materiel and intensify harmonisation in the subject matter.
Based on PL Military Medical Training Centre in Łódź, SMTC will provide a set of certified training courses for operators and medical personnel from Member States according to common standards and procedures. Poland will provide facilities and the personnel certified with Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) by National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) from the start of this action. The project will enhance the interoperability and availability of SOF, national forces and public services medical capabilities in the participating Member States. It will also enhance coordination of medical support in the SOF missions, particularly in EU operations. Access to common education and training programmes will be provided to the personnel belonging to armed forces and public services from participating Member States.
The main objective is to establish a medical training and excellence centre focused on medical support for special operations. The overall aim would be to enhance medical capabilities supporting the SOF missions and operations, in terms of training, procedures and interoperability. The intent of the project is to expand PL Military Medical Training Centre in Łódź, which has the status of a certified NAEMT Training Centre, into SMTC to provide medical training capability for SOF personnel, increase coordination of medical support for SOF operations, boost professional cooperation of pMS in that field, enhance readiness and capability of pMS regarding personnel and materiel and intensify harmonisation in the subject matter. The final outcome will be reduced mortality rate in CSDP missions and operations.
More information on the project can be found here:
All Projects
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- Cyber Ranges Federations (CRF)
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- Cyber Threats and Incident Response Information Sharing Platform (CTIRISP)
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- Energy Operational Function (EOF)
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