Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
Deepen defence cooperation between EU Member States

Strategic Air Transport for Outsized Cargo (SATOC)
- Coordinator
- Project
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The overall aim of the project Strategic Air Transport for Outsized Cargo is to fill the critical shortfall for Strategic Air Transport for Outsized Cargo by developing, in a gradual 3-steps approach, a European solution for the transport of outsized and heavy cargo. In the short-term to mid-term perspective (Block 1), the objectives are to identify a sufficient number of project members (incl. Third State Participation), harmonize requirements and to identify and agree on a common solution.
The aging of the aircraft in the SALIS service contract, the lack of complementary global services and the lack of an option to acquire the aircraft (in the Antonov 124 class) result in a potential gap in Strategic Fixed Wing Air Transport (most likely 100-ton class) in the 2030s. The A400M fleet can partially mitigate this risk, but the A400M is limited in size and payload. The SALIS contract helps to mitigate this critical shortfall as well but will expire in the early 2030s, while the risk of availability of the chartered Antonows increase due to the ongoing aging of the aircraft. There is an increasing critical risk of delays in operations, a risk of dependency on external resources and a risk of not be able to deploy and sustain substantial EU forces as outlined in the “Peace Enforcement” illustrative scenario. The C-17 fleet operated by EU MS is expected to reach the end of service date in the 2040s. Therefore, solutions have to be found in order to address the capability gap before the capability shortfall increases to a serious capability gap in the 2030s.
The project SATOC foresees a gradual 3-step approach: Block 1 – harmonization of requirements and assessment of identified solutions, Block 2 – Prototyping of the solution found and Block 3 – Capability Development. The successful achievement of milestones and objectives of a block is the prerequisite to start with the following Block. This project SATOC Block 1 aims to collect and consolidate different national requirements, to harmonize them and identify options for a development or commercial of the shelf solution regarding strategic air transport capabilities. The result of the project will be harmonized requirements and possibly an already identified development solution, which paves the ground for a future multinational capability development project. Block 1 also addresses discussions on the possible future operation and service from a common hub similar to NATOs AWACS base, the MMF-Fleet base or Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC) in Hungary, for example under the European Air Transportation Command. The project also considers requirements for next generation strategic air transport for outsized cargo in accordance with requested capabilities by other stakeholders for example with NATO target E 2201 N STRATEGIC DEPLOYMENT AND SUSTAINMENT. The project as such has a high operational impact and the potential to become a flagship project for NATO-EU cooperation.
The deployment, sustainment and re-deployment of forces to and from Afghanistan during the ISAF and Resolute Support missions have shown the need for a strategic airlift capability in the last 20 years as well as today. The illustrative scenario “Peace Enforcement”, as the most challenging scenario of the EU, with the claim to deploy around 60.000 troops within 60 days for a major joint operation would also only be feasible with SATOC resources. In the Progress Catalogue 20 the EU MC has identified a significant quantitative deficit of around 50 heavy Fixed Wing Air Transport aircraft, which poses a high operational risk to a successful deployment of forces.
The overall aim of the project Strategic Air Transport for Outsized Cargo is therefore to fill this critical shortfall for strategic deployment by developing in a gradual 3-step approach a European solution for the transport of outsized and heavy cargo.
In the short-term to mid-term perspective (Block 1) the objectives are to identify a sufficient number of project members (incl. Third State Participation), harmonize requirements and to identify and agree on a common solution. This includes also the discussion and analysis of collective demand and available resources for the coming years. A maximum number of participants is crucial for the success of this project.
The objective for Block 1 is therefore a catalogue of common and harmonized requirements, the time-cost-risk dimensions of all potential solutions, options to complement the various solutions by other (existing or possible) solutions (i.e. a solution mix), the description of operational concepts of the potential solutions (acquisition, contracting etc.), infrastructure requirements (e.g. on pMS’ airbases), and required strategic partnering (e.g. non-EU technical-stopover bases to increase range of platforms) and industrial issues (e.g. industries involved, technologies for which industrial R&D is required). With regard to possible solutions, the catalogue will show required investments, possible risks and timelines and what other necessities the various solution bring about. Based on that, potential avenues of approach for the SATOC Project will become visible and provide the base for an intended follow-on development program (Block 2).
If the most favourable avenue of approach turns out to be a development solution/adaptation of existing frames, the mid- to long-term objectives (Block 2 and 3) are to develop a prototype, which could reach from a civil-contractor solution, a conversion solution of a civil airliner to a new design and development project and finally develop this solution.
More information on the project can be found here:
All Projects
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- Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Surveillance as a Service (CBRN SaaS)
- European Training Certification Centre for European Armies (ETCCEA)
- Helicopter Hot and High Training (H3 Training)
- Joint EU Intelligence School (JEIS)
- Integrated European Joint Training and simulation Centre (EUROSIM)
- EU Cyber Academia and Innovation Hub (EU CAIH)
- Special Operations Forces Medical Training Centre (SMTC)
- CBRN Defence Training Range (CBRNDTR)
- European Union Network of Diving Centres (EUNDC)
- [CLOSED] European Union Training Mission Competence Centre (EU TMCC)
- [CLOSED] EU Test and Evaluation Centres (EUTEC)
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- Deployable Military Disaster Relief Capability Package (DM-DRCP)
- Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle / Amphibious Assault Vehicle / Light Armoured Vehicle (AIFV/AAV/LAV)
- EU Military Partnership (EU MilPart)
- Integrated Unmanned Ground System (UGS)
- EU Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) Land Battlefield Missile Systems (EU BLOS)
- Main Battle Tank Simulation and Testing Center (MBT-SIMTEC)
- [CLOSED] Indirect Fire Support Capability (EuroArtillery)
- [CLOSED] EUFOR Crisis Response Operation Core (EUFOR CROC)
- Anti-Torpedo Torpedo (ATT)
- Essential Elements of European Escort (4E)
- Critical Seabed Infrastructure Protection (CSIP)
- European Patrol Corvette (EPC)
- Maritime (semi) Autonomous Systems for Mine Countermeasures (MAS MCM)
- Harbour and Maritime Surveillance and Protection
- Upgrade of Maritime Surveillance (UMS)
- Deployable Modular Underwater Intervention Capability (DIVEPACK)
- Maritime Unmanned Anti-Submarine System (MUSAS)
- Medium size Semi-Autonomous Surface Vehicle (M-SASV)
- Air Power
- Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA)
- European Medium Altitude Long Endurance Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems – MALE RPAS (Eurodrone)
- European Attack Helicopters TIGER Mark III
- Future Short-Range Air to Air Missile (FSRM)
- Future Medium-size Tactical Cargo (FMTC)
- Integrated Multi-Layer Air and Missile Defense system (IMLAMD)
- Counter Unmanned Aerial System (C-UAS)
- Next Generation Medium Helicopter (NGMH)
- Small Scalable Weapons (SSW)
- Strategic Air Transport for Outsized Cargo (SATOC)
- Rotorcraft Docking Station for Drones
- Arctic Command & Control Effector and Sensor System (ACCESS)
- Automated Modelling, Identification and Damage Assessment of Urban Terrain (AMIDA-UT)
- Cyber Ranges Federations (CRF)
- European Secure Software defined Radio (ESSOR)
- Cyber Threats and Incident Response Information Sharing Platform (CTIRISP)
- Cyber Rapid Response Teams and Mutual Assistance in Cyber Security (CRRT)
- Strategic C2 System for CSDP Missions and Operations (EUMILCOM)
- European High Atmosphere Airship Platform (EHAAP) – Persistent Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Capability
- One Deployable Special Operations Forces (SOF) Tactical Command and Control (C2) Command Post (CP) for Small Joint Operations (SJO) – (SOCC) for SJO
- Electromagnetic Warfare Capability and Interoperability Programme for Future Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR)
- Cyber and Information Domain Coordination Center (CIDCC)
- Robust Communication Infrastructure and Networks (ROCOMIN)
- Network of Logistic Hubs in Europe and Support to Operations (NetLogHubs)
- Military Mobility (MM)
- Energy Operational Function (EOF)
- Geo-meteorological and Oceanographic (GeoMETOC) Support Coordination Element (GMSCE)
- Timely Warning and Interception with Space-based TheatER surveillance (TWISTER)
- Materials and components for technological EU competitiveness (MAC-EU)
- EU Collaborative Warfare Capabilities (ECoWAR)
- European Global RPAS Insertion Architecture System (GLORIA)
- [CLOSED] Co-basing
- [CLOSED] European Medical Command (EMC)